Farnborough LARS Guide
Air Traffic Controllers at Farnborough are leading a new liaison with general aviation pilots based at local airfields such as Fairoaks. The aim of the initiative is to increase awareness of the challenges faced by both pilots and controllers, helping to make operations in the local airspace safer and more efficient.
LARS Guide
As well as hosting visits to Farnborough ATC and providing Q&A sessions for local pilots, a guide has been produced by NATS to provide information and advice for pilots when using Farnborough LARS and flying around or below the LTMA (London Terminal Manoeuvring Area). All pilot's flying from Fairoaks should take the time to familiarise themselves with the contents of this guide.
Download Farnborough LARS Guide
A new twitter feed has also been set-up @NATSFarnborough that can be used to supplement your pre-flight briefing, providing you with live information on activity within the LARS sectors. Be sure to take a look!
Visit Day
The next visit to Farnborough ATC is scheduled for 30 January 2014 at 0930. If you would like to attend, please notify the flight centre who can advise on availability. Further dates to follow in February.
Operations Assistant Vacancy
We are pleased to announce Synergy Aviation are looking for a new Operations Assistant to join the team at Fairoaks. This role is best suited for someone with a keen interest in aviation looking to build experience within the industry. If you are enthusiastic, have a love for flying and enjoy the challenge of providing great customer service in a front of house role then this may be the job for you! Please visit our recruitment page at www.flysynergy.com/recruitment for further details.
EGTF Pilot’s Notice 10/2013
The Fairoaks Pilot's Notice 10/2013 draws attention to a trial period that will be running from 20th January 2014 till 20th April 2014. The trial period is being held in an effort to improve the efficiency of VFR and IFR traffic interaction between Fairoaks and Farnborough.
In short, during periods when the Farnborough RWY24 approach pattern is active, the following r/t package will be issued to departing aircraft:
“Golf India Uniform, for co-ordination, Farnborough request not above altitude 1400ft due conflicting traffic.”
This should be complied with until contact is made with Farnborough and they de-restrict the altitude limit.
Pilot's operating at Fairoaks during this trial period should take the time to familiarise themselves with content of the pilot's notice, linked below.
Crediting PPL(H) Towards PPL(A)
Can I carry any previous experience from a PPL(H) towards the issue of a PPL(A)? (Updated: 26/12/2013)
An applicant for the PPL(A) who holds a pilot licence for another category of aircraft, with the exception of balloons, shall be credited with 10 % of their total flight time as PIC on such aircraft up to a maximum of 10 hours.
It is important to note however the PPL(A) requires a minimum of 45 Hours total flight training. This is broken down as follows:
- 25 Hrs - Dual
- 10 Hrs - Solo
- 10 Hrs - Mix of dual / solo
In practice, the hours credited from your PPL(H) experience will be used to help fulfil the requirements in the last of these categories - the 10 Hrs which can be a mix of dual or solo. There is still the requirement to ensure that 10 Hrs solo, as described below, is completed on a fixed-wing aircraft:
10 hours of supervised solo flight time, including at least 5 hours of solo cross-country flight time with at least 1 cross-country flight of at least 270 km (150 NM), during which full stop landings at 2 aerodromes different from the aerodrome of departure shall be made.
The following ground exams, which are specific to aircraft categories, must be passed:
- Principles of Flight
- Operational Procedures
- Flight Performance & Planning
- Aircraft General Knowledge
- Navigation
Further Guidance:
CAP804 - Part I, Section 4 Part C, Subpart 1
CAP804 - Part I, Section 4 Part L, Appendix 1
North Pole Village RNAV
An old Christmas favourite from Jeppessen here...
IMC students should ensure they arrive at their next lesson briefed for the North Pole Village RNAV (GPS) Rwy 18 approach!
Non-European (FAA) EASA Conversion
How do I convert my non-European licence to an EASA PPL licence? (Updated: 14/01/2013)
Providing you have completed at least 100 hours of total flight time, a non-European licence may be converted to an EASA Part-FCL licence issued by the CAA on completion of the following:
a) Pass written examinations in Air Law, Human Performance and Communications.
b) Pass the PPL skills test
c) Hold at least an EASA Class 2 medical certificate
d) Take the Radiotelephony practical test
An application for the conversion to an EASA Licence should be made on SRG1105, with a certified copy of your non-European licence being submitted with the application.
Further Guidance:
CAP804 - Part I, Section 4, Part Q, Subpart 2
Non-European Licence (Eg, FAA) In UK
I hold a non-European licence (eg, FAA Licence). Can I use this to fly within the UK? (Updated: 14/01/2013)
Providing the licence will be used for private operations only, the short answer is yes until April 2015. A general validation is available that allows the holder of such a licence to exercise its privileges in EASA aircraft registered in the United Kingdom.
It is not possible to use this general validation in order to carry out non-private flights, give flight instruction, or fly in controlled airspace which requires compliance with Instrument Flight Rules.
At the time of writing, after 8 April 2015, EASA Aircrew Regulation will override this general validation. It will then be required to validate non-European licences on an individual basis. This period of validation however shall not exceed 1 year so it must therefore be converted to a Part-FCL licence in order to fly EASA aircraft registered in the United Kingdom on a longer-term basis.
Further Guidance:
Official Record Series 4 (No 998)
CAP804 - Part I, Section 4, Part Q, Subpart 1
Christmas Warm-Up At F A B!
With Christmas nearly upon us, it's time to get festive at Fairoaks! Join the party on Friday 13 December at the Fairoaks Airport Bar, open from 1700 till late.
Staff, students, members, aircraft owners and friends and family all welcome. For those that need a little more persuasion, mince pies will be making their appearance!
This will be an ideal opportunity to catch up with other members, pilots and staff in an informal setting and we look forward to seeing you there.
School Development Fund
Synergy Aviation is pleased to be supporting the School Development Fund in their Christmas raffle this year through the donation of a flight experience voucher.
The School Development Fund was set up by The Gambia Experience in 1989 to help fund the building, renovating and equipping of schools in The Gambia, West Africa. To date, together with the help of Gambia Experience clients, they have funded over 120 school projects. Further details can be found on their website at http://www.schooldevelopmentfund.org
Fairoaks Annual Ball 2013
We are pleased to report a great evening was had by all who attended the Fairoaks Annual Ball last Friday. This years function followed on from the success of the inaugural ball held last year and was once again hosted in the fabulous venue at Brooklands Museum.
It was particularly encouraging to see a wider range of people in attendance this year, to include students, pilots, aircraft owners and industry colleagues. Particular mention is extended to Jason Allen Sway who provided this years entertainment as 'The Unreal Michael Buble' tribute act - a great addition to the evening.
The Eikon Charity was the chosen charity for this years ball and big thanks to all those who contributed towards the £300 raised on the evening. Eikon provides long-term support to some of the Surrey's most vulnerable young people and their families. Their vision is to develop happy, thriving and resilient young adults who are able to contribute positively to society. Jessica Maybanks, Eikon's Fundrasing Manager, says, "I would like to say a big thank you for the brilliant contribution made to The Eikon Charity. We very much value your support which will enable us to help even more at-risk young people over the coming years."
In addition to more social events throughout Christmas and 2014, we look forward to continuing with the success of the Fairoaks Annual Ball next year. Thanks to the event sponsors, Hayward Aviation and Close Brothers Aviation & Marine, and indeed to all those who contributed to a great evening!
Pictures: http://www.fairoaksevents.com/2013-gallery/